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first hand data中文是什么意思

用"first hand data"造句"first hand data"怎么读"first hand data" in a sentence


  • 原始数据


  • From the first hand data , the financing practice of both new bom and listed intemet company of the uas is closely studied
  • The originality of this thesis rests with the genuine analysis to the features of house demand of consumers and office building demand of enterprises by applying a great deal of first hand data ; the integration of district economy into research to the real estate market of zhong guan cun . by applying practical cases , the author describes how to successfully put marketing strategy into the use of real estate market in zhong guan cun
  • Based on the systemic analysis on all the working contens , we grasp the first hand data through investigation , then introduce the theories of technological ( manufactdring ) cost , technique economics and management principle as the academic coach and analyze the economic characte of a1l the working contents qualitatively and quantificationally by the system research means . at the same time , we define the method and index of qualitative and quanitative analysis after studying the influence to aviation enterprise tcchflological management economical character by adopting world advanced manufacturing technology finally t8king cac as an example , this thesis explains how to develop the application wor of economical study during technological management in aviaton entcrpnse
  • Desert and oasis ecosystem are the main ecosystems in arid area . studying the characteristics of decaying process , decaying remainders and soil humic acids can accumulate the first hand data for studying the accumulation and decomposition of soil organic matter , the situation of soil fertility , substance cycling and energy flowing in desert - oasis ecosystem , and has the great significance on desert ecosystem restraint and oasis ecosystem extension
用"first hand data"造句  
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